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  • alisoncmcdougall

Time to recover...

It's nearly a month since my last blog, which in turn means it is close to six weeks since I have been in hospital as a patient. I've been expecting a phone call from my Southmead nursing team to ask where I am, and I wake up most days wondering why nothing is beeping !!

That, of course, is all good news. The blood thinners for my lung issue appear to be working and my breathing is regular and improving weekly.

So I have been out most nights; back on the wine, chatting up all the fellas; dancing the night away; eating fry ups, curries, chocolate and creamy puddings and...

No I haven't. I am still alcohol free and although I have been 'out-out' a couple of times for dinner, my friends insist on feeding me healthy food and getting me home early.


Regarding treatment, I have been back to the Breast Care Centre for a follow up - twice. The first time I joined another 20+ ladies who were there to hear about post-surgery care and how to look after oneself. It was really interesting to hear other people's stories particularly the range and variation of what breast cancer can mean. Some people endure radiotherapy as their treatment; others chemotherapy and through a pill. Many have some sort of surgery but I was the only one that was undergoing immunotherapy alongside chemo.

I felt "special"

Not really. I felt decidedly "picked upon" until some of the ladies spoke of their mastectomies. Then I felt lucky.

My second visit to the Breast Care Centre was a little more stressful. I found a new lump. Same boob but different feeling. More like a broad bean than a sausage. My Oncologist suggested it might be scar tissue, or even internal stitching, but sent me back to the Centre for a scan.

I forced myself to stay calm but, to be honest, I had some very uncomfortable days and thoughts.

It turned out to not be an issue. It was a seroma. Another new word for me to learn. After breast cancer surgery, fluid may collect where tissue was removed. It can drain away on it's own sometimes, but in my case they removed it by sticking a needle into my boob and sucking out the fluid - all done without a local anaesthetic. The 8ml of fluid was yellow and the process stung like a .....? But I walked out of the Centre a happy girl. In the meantime, I have a Radiotherapy appointment lined up to find out what treatment they have planned for me. I will know in a few days.

My only complaint in the last 6 weeks is my occasional sickness. I have either picked up some sort of allergy to food (and different types of food) - or some other issue is causing me occasional problems. I have been struck down with sudden onset vomiting. An unpleasant experience as you can imagine. It's been difficult to put it down to anything in particular and thankfully I have been at home when it occurs.

So I have another appointment lined up with my Endocrinologist (it may be due to the steroids and my thyroid/adrenal glands), and I have an MRI head scan booked (it may also be my Pituitary gland playing up) or it could be they are just keen to see what a pea brain looks like!

I also have another appointment booked with the Oncologist who is still keen for me to take on further Immunotherapy after radiotherapy. His proposal - one treatment every six weeks for 36 weeks total.

I have told him I am reluctant ...!

He is going to provide me with the data to support going ahead. He says it increases the odds for me to stay cancer free in the next five years.

I said I want all of my glands and organs to work in the next 5 years and my recent experience suggests that may not happen if I go back on the immunotherapy drugs.

Watch this space...

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