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About My Blog

One lump or two...!

I often revert to writing about stuff.

A therapist once told me I should write every day (for better mental health) but what do they know!

I did give it a go a couple of years ago when I took on the project of converting a pub into a house and enjoyed the process. It probably also helped my mental health as I stayed in a lovely, cosy warm caravan (named Mr. Clooney) on the building site and lived like a bedraggled hermit for a year.

This is a bit different though. This journey is about breast cancer. Mr. Clooney is no longer my home and I am, thankfully, able to shower and change my clothes at will !

This is about a diagnosis that has snuck up and bit me on the bum! 

Clearly not the right turn of phrase but you probably get the drift!

It's likely I would write this stuff down anyway, even if just for my own benefit. 

Turning it into a blog means I can share the story and my progress with those that are involved in my life, and those who may be interested in what a breast cancer diagnosis means for one individual. 

One lump or two...!

I am hoping it is just the one, and it's a temporary visitor. 

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