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  • alisoncmcdougall

Hair today....

My Doctor made it very clear that hair loss was very, very likely.

I can deal with that, or so I thought.

I don't consider vanity as one of my traits so thought it might be relatively easy to deal with. I also assumed, as I have now completed one complete cycle of treatment, that perhaps I was one of the lucky ones to escape this particular side effect.

Alas, it is not to be. My shower on Friday morning was surreal. After washing away shampoo, I opened my eyes to be met with hands covered in hair. Not little feathery slivers like you can expect to find in your hairbrush, but huge dolloping chunks stuck to my hands; pasting the side of the shower and blocking the plug hole.

It was a shock. I swore very loudly indeed.

I have been blessed with lots of hair. It's quite fine but I have an abundance of it. On Sunday, there was more shedding and again this morning (Monday). I suspect at this rate I will be rocking the "The Rock" vibe in no time.

My head tingles and is very sensitive to touch and I daren't sneeze in case the whole lot flies off in one great flurry.

Mentally, this is a tough one to deal with, and tougher than I anticipated. More so than the nausea and diarrhoea.

The end of Cycle 1 included an update appointment with my consultant to assess my physical and mental status. Mentally, I feel I am in control, even with the hair loss. Physically, I have endured some uncomfortable days and nights and my blood count has dropped and needs watching. No need for alarm bells to be rung though.

I am not one to chat about my physical issues unless asked directly. The only reason many people know I have a bad back is because I can sometimes walk like an arthritic 90 year old, or need assistance to get up from a chair. But the back problem has always been intermittent and a problem for a decade or more so it's been hard to hide. My other ailments, which are generally age related, are mostly unreported.

It is what it is.

So it's not natural for me to let someone know that I am pooping liquid or tingling in my nether regions.

The Doc did give me a wee telling off, in a very kind and softly manner, about reporting this information instantly.

He needs the information so the treatment plan can be tailored specifically for me.

I have 24hour hotline number. I am now persuaded to use it.

Walking is still my go to exercise and my worthy band of volunteers are keeping me going with cheerful support. I am definitely more breathy and walking can tire me out, but so can sitting on my sofa or getting dressed! So I am going to stick with the walking and hope that our forthcoming winter months are kind to me.

Next up is more blood letting on Tuesday and then the start of Cycle 2 on Thursday.

No rest for the bold / bald!

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